Parson Place Press is a small Christian publishing house established in 2006 and is reserved for publishing titles composed by its founder, Michael L. White. Authors interested in imitating this independent publishing model may go to Be Your Own Publisher to learn more.
Parson Place Press uses the print-on-demand (or POD) digital technology method of publishing. This is a relatively recent innovation in printing by which books may be printed as they are ordered, one at a time or a whole case at a time, instead of having to print thousands of copies up front and hope they'll all sell evenutally. Thus, it's much easier for any author, new or not, to be published these days.
It was partly because of this method and partly because the existing "big name" Christian publishers had begun requiring book submissions to come from previously published authors or from their literary agents that Parson Place Press was established. Because of the company's small size and very modest financial resources, however, it is somewhat limited in the number of titles it can publish. Nevertheless, its founder remains devoted to publishing content that glorifies God and furthers the Kingdom of Christ as God grants him the opportunity and ability.